Town Gorge

Town Gorge

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Spring 2012 | Professor Amber Bartosh | In collaboration with Elena Toumayan and Santi Slade

Assignment: To design a city hall for the city of Owego, New York, while occupying a double-wide row-house condition along the Susquehanna river.

Solution: A town hall that refers to the ancient landscape of Upstate New York, the gorge condition, making this experience an inhabitable space for the city to use 24 hours.

Discussion: This project activates its unique site and context through an abstraction of the ancient, gorge-landscape of Upstate New York. By making this experience inhabitable, this town hall presents the idiosyncratic experience of life beside the gorge to the people of Owego. In the “belly of the beast” lies the assembly wall with seating for 50. At the same datum as the river, this space provides the sensation of sitting on the bank of the nearby river.